Wednesday, January 5, 2011

"New Year,New Life"

NEW YEAR. . .Goodbye year of the Tiger and hello year of the Metal Rabbit. Its new year so, its also new life. A new journey came. A new journey to be traveled.

2011. . .NEW YEAR, NEW LIFE. Removing all our bad attitudes and showing our generosity to others are only some of changing our life. Lets change. Lets be a nice and good friends to others. Not only to our friends but also to our family too. So lets make good, be good and I am very very sire that God will shower you a lot of blessings, not only a golds and foods.

I wish, I hope and I promise that I will change my life this year. I will make it better than the previous me.

New Year, New Life. . . Lets do and change cause "ACTION SPEAKS, LOUDER THAN WORDS".


  1. I agree to what you've said. . Yes, let's change for the better. . .nice

  2. that's right, changed for a better person. i hope so that you gonna do that because until now i didn't seen you yet a change. hehe. just kidding.
